Monday, November 06, 2006

ZimJournalists Arise Back Soon

Dear All

On the morning of November 2, we are work to the destruction of our mailbox, which had all our contacts and all the information that we use to run the blog.

This act of sabotage coincided with the news that the Mugabe regime has intensified efforts to censor and regulate all cyberspace activity. Right now we are not sure what happened and are trying to invesitgate the matter.

However we would like to assure our readers that we are live and kicking and will be back. We regard this act of sabotage by whomsoever as a sign that our presence is being felt, so much that we are making somebody or some people out there uncomfortable.

Questions of whom we are being raised and as we have said before, we are a group of concerned Zimbabweans, who want to keep the spirit of journalism alive by providing a platform for Journos.

We would like to RE-Emphasise that we are not a news website but a blog, which entitle us to put our own opinions and the opinions of those who want to be heard, or have something to say. We will not be in the business of news as our compatriots at the UK based ZimJournalists.Com, New Zimbabwe, Zimonline and many others, are doing a good job and there is no need to re-invent the wheel.

We would also like to state that we will not reveal the names of our team at this moment, who have put their jobs and probably their lives on the line to run this blog. Further Announcements will be made at the appropiate time. Journalists as we all know have the right to even pseudo names, which most of us have been forced to use, for obvious reasons.

It has also come to our attention that there are malicious elements among us who have been circulating malicious statements. For the record we would like to state that because of budgetary constraints we are unable to produce our own copy and have not obligation to do so, as we are not a news website. Our job is to circulate information about various activities which we consider of interest, particularly to journos who cover Zimbabwe. We are not responsible for any errors made by the publications that originate our copy, except in cases where we have written the stories ourselves.

However if there are genuine complaints observations we will treat them seriously as we strive to promote a better Zimbabwean journalist. We welcome criticism, suggestions and any other feedback.

Thank you,
We will be back on cyber soon
Zimjournalists Arise Team.

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