Thursday, October 05, 2006

Letter from Taurayi Maduna
Your daily mailings do not contain much information. It would be best that you maybe send out an e-mail once a week that is detailed and not a repetition of what other news organisations have been reporting.

If you want to be taken seriously, give alternative news or analyse the news. There are so many information portals on Zimbabwe and if you do not get your act together you might not get the attention that you deserve. hope the above suggestions work. More power to your elbows.
Response From ZimJournalists Arise Team
Thanks again for your thoughts and suggestions.We a voluntary blog but we hope to grow bigger and better with time and of course money.

We are not a news website, as we believe there are more that enough of those already.

As for originality That why perhaps, some websites, which have been on the market for years are still using a lot of material from other news organizations, but our aim are not only stories but a mixture of topical issues, statements, video clips, commentary etc for journos to use.

Our aim is be a specialised project for journos, to communicate with as many zimbabwean journalists as possible and other people who are involved in various facets of ZimLife and are sources of news. So we have a mailing list of people, some who are either groups, individuals or organizations.

We also reach out to people like you to help us to make this happen so please keep the criticisms and suggestions rolling in.

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